I find it incredible that doctors must still prescribe antibiotics based only on their immediate assessment of a patient’s symptoms, just like they used to when antibiotics first entered common use in the 1950s.
Antibiotics administered ahead of test as treatment delay raises patent’s risks each hour.
Receiving incorrect or unneeded antibiotics, exposure to excessive toxicity and complications.
Antibiotic Resistance and Super Bugs costs $20B in health care, $35B in loss of productivity annually in the US alone.
Acquired Infections cost $28-45B annually, 2M people infected, 90,000 die in the US.
1 - 2 h
~24 h
48+ h
Computer vision
Metabolic activity monitoring
MSc. Tech. Management, NYU
Seasoned executive and serial entrepreneur dedicated to conversion of technology to business value
profilePh.D. Health Sciences, HUJI
Serial enterpreneur, and manager and advisory in field of rapid microbial testing. Author of 7 patents in industrial biology
profileMSc. Computer Science, OUI
Senior large scale development manager specialized in production of enterprise-class integrated software solutions